Why is lab grown diamond more environmentally friendly?


Natural diamonds are the most sought-after gemstones in the world. But what if we had another option? One that is not only better for people and society, but also for our planet? This new, environmentally friendly alternative to natural diamonds is lab grown diamonds.

Lab grown diamonds offer many benefits over traditional diamond mining. They require less energy to produce and can be created in a variety of colors and clarities, including internally flawless. Their composition and quality can be just as good as natural diamonds, but they are generally less expensive because they require less energy to produce.

What are the differences in environmental impact between lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds?

Compared to natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds have a significantly lower environmental impact. For instance, producing a one-carat natural diamond requires mining 200 tons of ore, while a lab-grown diamond of the same size can be produced using less than one-tenth of the ore.

Mining for diamonds can cause deforestation and pollution of nearby water sources, whereas lab-grown diamonds do not pose these issues. Additionally, the cleaning and polishing process for natural diamonds typically involves the use of harsh chemicals and acidic substances, while lab-grown diamonds can be processed using non-toxic methods, such as ultrasonic cleaning. These differences result in lower carbon emissions for the production of lab-grown diamonds.

There are several notable advantages of lab-grown diamonds over traditionally mined diamonds:

More affordable

Lab-grown diamonds are generally less expensive than natural diamonds because less energy is required to produce them.

More environmentally friendly

Due to the reduced energy requirements in the production process, lab-grown diamonds are considered more environmentally friendly than mined diamonds.

More variety

Compared to natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds offer consumers more choices in terms of color and clarity. Natural diamonds are formed under specific environmental conditions that determine their color and clarity, while lab-grown diamonds can have these characteristics roughly controlled during production.

No conflict involved

This is an important distinction between lab-grown and some natural diamonds, as some natural diamonds are sourced from politically unstable or human rights-violating countries, or are mined using unfair labor practices. The production of lab-grown diamonds does not involve such ethical concerns.

Choosing between natural and lab-grown diamonds

Choosing between natural and lab-grown diamonds is not a straightforward decision, as it involves multiple factors. Some people may opt for lab-grown diamonds because they are more environmentally friendly or do not involve the conflicts and controversies associated with natural diamonds. Others may prefer natural diamonds because they provide a certain feeling that cannot be replicated by lab-grown diamonds. Ultimately, the choice between the two types of diamonds depends on individual preferences.