The color grading of a natural diamond affects its value, and this rule also applies to lab grown diamond. The value of colorless (or white) lab grown diamond is more valuable than that of a light yellow one. According to the diamond appraisal, color can be rated from D (colorless) to Z (yellow). There are three levels: (1) diamonds of D to H grade can be called white diamonds; (2) I to M grade can be called faint yellow diamonds; (3) and N to Z color grade light yellow diamonds. But to those who are not professional appraisers, the colors from D to H are not easy to distinguish.

D-F color lab grown diamonds
This is the highest level of color rating, and lab grown diamond of this rating are colorless to naked eye. While they are rarer and more expensive, they are still pursued by many enthusiasts who are interested in their pure whiteness.
G-H color lab grown diamonds
Lab grown diamonds of this rating are almost colorless, and that slight color difference can only be distinguished under careful observation. Therefore they are difficult to be identified with naked eye, and they need to be compared with higher color rating lab grown diamonds or natural diamonds for differentiation.
I-Z color lab grown diamonds
These slight yellow lab grown diamond.

Fancy color lab grown diamonds
There are also fancy colors for lab grown diamond, such as bluish green, fancy yellow, and fancy pink. However, these colors are rarer on the market, so their prices will not be cheaper than that of white diamonds.